A Jacob Black One-Shot Lemon

I ran into the forest to get away from Jacob. We were both in heat and he was me naked coming out of the shower.

*~*~*~* Flash back *~*~*~*~*~
I turned of the nozzle feeling clean, cleaning out the sweat from being in heat. I went to my room and i was pretty sure no one was in my room. I opened the door was saw jacob shirtless sitting in my bed. He took notice i was in the room.

"finally, i was-" he sentence was cut off short when he was me naked. He eyes changed from normal to lust. I have the same feeling to jump on him.

"J-J-Jacob get out!" i saw mustering all the ounce of resits i had.

He couldn't stop staring at me chest. He stood up. I watched his muscle flex as he did. Stronger and stronger the feeling was of lust.

He closer and closer. I found myself coming closer looking at his eyes. We both looked and seeing lust and wanting in our eyes. I my chest came in contact to his. He grabbed my waist and pulled me against him.

"Nn-n-no" i said. I phased to my wolf form and ran to the forest patch.

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* End of Flash Back *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

He was right at my heals. He jumped on me. He grabbed my neck asuming positions which where better for him.

Jacob no! i screamed in his head

i wanted this for a long time he said full of lust

its not u Jacob! i tried to reason with him but i couldnt.

I am a virgin for pete sakes! He grabbed my neck alittle tighter with his teeth. I could feel his blood through her skin. My lust became more for me to handle. My lust over came me.

I growled at jacob as he was ready knowing that i he was real of not. I kept growling and stuggling. After 3 minutes i knew Jacob was going to stay with me when i am pregant and vurnable. He asumed position again and he came down he went in me. I howled meaning i was mating and enjoying it. I felt Jacob come down all the way and blood seeped through. He came faster and harder. We both morphed into out human form when he grabbed me and kissed me. We fell to the floor where we were still kissing. He got on top of me where he enter  me. I moaned as he came in and out. Faster he pushed and deeper. I moaned loud. I am so glad no one could hear us. When wolf mate they can't  heared except of each other.

Jacob...  i moaned in my head.

am right here he reasured me.

harder.. i said in his mind.

Harder, faster, and deeper he went. I could feel him coming. He pushed him me so deep i moaned loud. I felt him and his seeds inside me. It didnt matter now, but i loved the feeling of him inside me. He pushed in me harder. I moaned.

Jacob.. i said

yes? he awnsered alittle bit with out lust

i love you.. i said.

..... he said

jacob?  i said

He kissed me. 

i love you too. he said.

I nibbled his ear and he was still in me and looks like his not letting go. I felt him shudder. I smirked. I nibbled his ear slow and hard. I felt him moan. I felt werid, something inside felt bu- jacob imprinted on me!

Jacob did you impri- 

He wouldnt even let me finish he kissed me hard. I kissed back not wanting to be let go. He pulled me into his lap and while he was still in me. 

I pushed Jacob slighty as i bounced on his member. He moaned. 

*~*~*~* 30 minutes later *~*~*~*

The moon rose as we finished. He stopped coming. He layed next to me, wraping his arm around my waist and pulling me to him.

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* next Morning *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
I woke up with jacob in the forest.

"Jacob?" i  said shaking him.

He groaned and rolled over so he is on top of me.

"Jacob!" i said to his ear. I nibbled on his ear and that got his attention

"hn?" he said looking around, his eyes landed on me.

They feeling of being stasitfidy is now here.

"jacob come one lets go" i said as he tossed me a pair of underwear, shorts, and a tee-shirt.

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* 2 months later *~*~*~*~*~*~*

I dropped the pregancy test in shock, i was carrying Jacob's baby. Jacob came ine the bathroom and found a pregancy test. His eyes widened. 

" I am" thats all i said. He wrapped  his arms around my stomach and kissed it.

"Our child" he said.